Product CodeSV066
Common local string bean (বরবটি)
In local market we get two types of bean or বরবটি one is the short French bean which is more expensive and rare to fine, the other is the long String bean. This is the more common longer bean.
Walnuts with shell from USA
Brinjal or Eggplant, Bengali বেগুন, Hindi बैंगन
The famous Gandhraj Lebu of Bengal, a relative of Kaffir lime of South East Asia
Frozen Sweet Corn
Premium Imported Almond
Local common edible mushroom
Sunrise Red chilli power from ITC
The aromatic and flavorful Fennel
Spiny Gourd / Teasle Gourd / কাকরোল / ककोड़ा
Common Mushroom / White Mushroom